
July 31, 2009 6:55 pm

Kannada – English translation

Filed under: Kannada,Language — ramsblog @ 6:55 pm


            Received this picture and few other similar ones in my email recently. Although I am typing in English, but what happened to the Gokak chaLuvaLi? Or should we assume this is the fate of multi-lingual city (Bangalore) after such chaLuvaLis that made people not to learn English?


what do you think?

May 20, 2009 7:02 am

Toastmasters: speech #10

wow! 9 speeches under Competent Communicator series are complete and one more to go to complete the Competent Communicator program with Toastmasters. I have been with Toastmasters.org for several months, it is really awesome that you would tend to learn so much about public speaking and moreover it also helps to gain the confidence and overcome the stage fear that we often develop as we grow up. Agreed, there are handful of people who fly out without any fear, but majority of us have those little butterflies in the stomach soon after we get on to the podium. Anyways, tomorrow is my 10th speech, and this will be part of a speak-a-thon that we have organized at our club. Series of speeches in a two-hour slot. this will be fun…


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April 6, 2009 5:27 pm

Yummy in my Tummy….

Filed under: Children,Language — ramsblog @ 5:27 pm

.. don’t know how kids make up these rhyming words at times… my daughter was at a neighbor’s house the other day playing with their similar age girl there. looks like they both ate some snacks there and with all the excitement , she screamed out – “Yummy in my Tummy” appreciating the taste and the offerings there.. the household were all laughing out on this rhyming words…

I vaguely remember posting here about the way she used to pronounce Yummy (as Nummy)  when she was 15months old, when she liked those rice cereals, or fruits or cheerios and such…

However, as she grew further, she tried to express her like and dislike with the same words but in a different way that we came to understand after several times of her usage of these two words.. She had changed her definition by then as she got better speaking words when she was at her two’s. So at that time if she liked something that would take the work “hmm… Yummieeeeeeeeeeeeeee” ; but if it was something that she didn’t like, then the expression was “yeah, Nummy!” and spit it out or take it to her hands and put it in trash. We were wondering why she would say nummy and put it trash, while the same response meant she needed more of that food.

well, she no longer uses the word Nummy, but rather says flat out “I don’t like it“. It’s all different phases… 🙂

January 29, 2009 10:27 pm

No eggs in Egg plant…

Filed under: Food,Fun,Language — ramsblog @ 10:27 pm

We were talking about how amazing the languages are. some one mentioned about  “no eggs in egg plant” and that reminds me of my first experience ordering pizza at a pizza place in New Jersey. I was about a week or two in this country and was trying Pizza for the 2nd time. We asked for a slice of vege pizza and here goes the conversation:

Me: a slice of vege pizza please
PizzaGal: toppings?
Me: what are the options?
PizzaGal: onions, tomatoes, egg plant, …
Me: no eggs please! No meat please!
PizzaGal: that’s right, no eggs, it’s a vegetable
Me: (confused) that’s alright – no egg plant

It was quiet sometime when I learned about egg plant is indeed a vegetable 🙂

November 1, 2008 6:32 am

ಕನ್ನಡ ರಾಜ್ಯೋತ್ಸವ (Kannada Rajyothsava)

Filed under: Honors and Rewards,Kannada,Language — ramsblog @ 6:32 am

ಎಲ್ಲಾದರು ಇರು ಹೆಂಗಾದರು ಇರು
ಎಂದೆಂದಿಗೂ ನೀ ಕನ್ನಡವಾಗಿರು

ಕನ್ನಡ ರಾಜ್ಯೋತ್ಸವದ ಹೊತ್ತಿಗೆ ಕನ್ನಡ ಭಾಷೆಯನ್ನು ಶಾಸ್ತ್ರೀಯ ಭಾಷೆ ಎಂದು ಸನ್ಮಾನಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ. [] [

ಸಿರಿಗನ್ನಡಂ ಗೆಲ್ಗೆ

Kannada Rajyothsava Greetings. Kannada Language has been honored as a Classical Language just by the time the Rajyosthsava is being celebrated on November 1st. Resources: [link1] [link2] [wikipedia]  

October 25, 2008 12:02 am

well-Furnished or Fully-Furnished ?

Filed under: English,Language,Marketing,Real Estate — ramsblog @ 12:02 am

When comes to housing most people have mis-conceptions with the terminology, it seems. I noticed an advertisement for renting a furnished home. There were few comments from the people, looking at the list of amenities mentioned to justify the rent. Some of those were basic amenities, and few were indeed a bit more. I think the only mistake that Ad made was qualifying “Well-Furnished.”

Some people commented – “oh, well! that’s semi-furnished with those items being there at the unit and can’t be well-furnished.” and few others made jokes around that Ad.

So in real estate terminology, is “Well-Furnished apartment” a right word or a “Fully-Furnished Apartment”?

June 18, 2008 12:18 am

Deployment vs Installation

I was talking to somebody about different software defect types and came a topic about Installation and Deployment as 2 items. Now brainstorm a little bit. What exactly is an Installation and what exactly is a Deployment? Well, according to the work flow snap shot according to the software development life cycle (SDLC), –> Design a solution, Build a solution, Compile what was developed and create an installer and now release the bits for testing or let’s assume it was tested and being released to production – either way, now comes a point of Deployment.

Well there are different interpretations:

a. both Installation and deployment are the same
b. no, installation is an action and deployment is a process
c. okay, now we find a defect as part of this activity of setting up the environment (where we apply the bits on a server), so where does this defect categorized as? I understand there are different constraints and answer could be “it depends” on “approach, steps, machine configuration/readiness, etc etc

The point is, there are different terminology, and each individual has his/her own interpretation or understanding of what the term is, although they refer to the same/similar action.

according to dictionary.com, though it gives multiple definitions, i picked the ones appropriate for software deployment.
Installation: A system of machinery or other apparatus set up for use
Deployment: To put into use or action

What is your interpretation between the terms Installation and Deployment, when you are ready to log defects or create your testing story as part of the system setup.

<update 6/18> cross posted in TestRepublic discussion forum [link]: http://www.testrepublic.com/forum/topic/show?id=1178155%3ATopic%3A26272 

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November 30, 2007 5:53 pm

what does “I will miss you all…” mean?

Filed under: Language,Miscellaneous — ramsblog @ 5:53 pm

I often see emails or hear from people departing the group or company – “I will miss you all”.

What exactly does this mean?

  • really really sad that i need to leave due to unavoidable circumstances?
  • just for the sake of saying something before I leave from here
  • an exaggeration
  • I am happy that I am heading out for better things in life that’s waiting out there for me
  • thank god i am outta here 🙂

It is ok for the 1st bullet. however, in my mind it is ok to say that the stop has come to drop off and catch another train in this journey. Everyone has their on goals and destinations to reach. One train does not everybody to where they want to go. People do make their own choices (most times) and having chosen one, why even feel bad about missing the past?

Or i think the phrase “I will miss you all …” is not complete – it can possibly be completed as “… I will come back if I do miss you all so much” 🙂

Communication – Words, sometimes embarrassing

Filed under: Attitude,Communication,Language,Personal — ramsblog @ 1:34 am

most part of the communication in human being is with words. It is interesting, most times, the words so fluently with perfect grammar and the thoughts flow so free like water, however, on some days, it so happens that I tend to search for even simple words during the conversation. I feel so embarrassed that I struggle to get the words, shuffle subjects and objects in my phrases pretty much all day long. After a meeting, I get back to my desk and recollect the conversation and guess what – I just laugh at myself on what I just did.

January 20, 2007 11:55 pm

Kannada Radio and more kannada resources…

Filed under: Kannada,Language,Resources — ramsblog @ 11:55 pm

Just came across more resources from what I had noticed before [1,2

Via LifeBeyondCode while listening to the Time Management audio program, I navigated further into itsDiff site and filtered by Kannada sometime last week. At that time clips on Haridasa Sahitya [1,2,3] caught my eyes. I listened to these clips – it was very relaxing and very much enjoyed the show. It helped me recall lot of things from my school days back in Bangalore – and of course, upon listening to such a sweet music and re-learning forgotten things made me feel refreshed.

However, a week later, tonight – I went back to the ItsDiff kannada archives and listened to suvarnamahotsava clips. I was blown away with the amount information about kannada evolution, recalling a lot of names of scholars, poets, kannada literature, etc etc etc. It was a great presentation by Madhu.  

Sri / Madhu, – Thank you so much for making these clips available online. I am from Seattle and obviously won’t be able to get on radio channel but archives helps very much for kannadigas around the world. I just noticed you also have direct relay on internet – i will try getting online for next available kannada program. Thanks again.  Rajesh – thank you for linking to ItsDiff

ಬಹುಶಃ ನನ್ನ ಕನ್ನಡ ಬ್ಲಾಗ್ ಸೈಟ್-ನಲ್ಲಿ ಇದನ್ನ ಹೆಚ್ಚಿಗೆ ಬರೆಯುತೇನೆ.

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